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awwan - Configuration management software, infrastructure as file and directory layout.


awwan <command> <arguments>

command = "decrypt" / "encrypt" / "help" / "local" / "play" / "serve"
        / "version"

    decrypt <file.vault>
        Decrypt the file using RSA private key at

    encrypt <file>
        Encrypt the file using RSA private key at

    env-get <key> [dir]
        Get the value from environment based on the key.

    env-set <key> <value> [env-file]
        Set the value in environment file based on the key.

        Display the command usage and its description.

    local <script> <line-range>
        Execute the script in current system from line <start> until line

    play <script> <line-range>
        Execute the script in the remote server from line <start> until line

    serve <workspace>
        Run the web-user interface using <workspace> directory as base

        Print the application version to standard output.

script = STRING
    A path to script to be executed.

workspace = STRING
    The root directory of awwan workspace, the one that contains
    the ".ssh" directory.

line-range = start [ "-" [end] ] *("," line-range)

    start = 1*DIGITS
        The starting line number in the script.

    end = 1*DIGITS
        The end of line number.
        Its value either empty, equal, or greater than start.


awwan is command-line interface to execute multiple lines of command in the local or remote server using shell or SSH.


Do you have a collection of shell scripts to manage one more similar server? Do you ever want to execute only part of your script? Are you get tired with learning others syntax and tools for provisioning your own server, while you need is a handful knowledge of shell script?

If yes, awwan is the right tools for you.


The awwan tool have five commands: "decrypt", "encrypt", "local", "play", and "serve".

Command "decrypt"

The "decrypt" command decrypt the file using RSA private key at "<workspace>/.awwan.key". The encrypted file must have extension ".vault", otherwise it will return an error. The decrypted file output will be written in the current directory without the ".vault" extension.

Example of decrypting file,

$ awwan decrypt secret.txt.vault
--- BaseDir: /home/ms/go/src/
--- Loading private key file ".ssh/.awwan.key" (enter to skip passphrase) ...
Decrypted file output: secret.txt
$ cat secret.txt
secret file

Command "encrypt"

The "encrypt" command encrypt the file using RSA private key at "<workspace>/.awwan.key". The encrypted file will have ".vault" extension.

Note that the private key should not be committed into version control system if its not protected with passphrase.

Example of encrypting file,

$ echo "secret file" > secret.txt
$ awwan encrypt secret.txt
--- BaseDir: /home/ms/go/src/
--- Loading private key file ".ssh/.awwan.key" (enter to skip passphrase) ...
Encrypted file output: secret.txt.vault

Command env-get

The env-get command get the value from environment files. Syntax,

<key> [dir]

The "key" argument define the key where value is stored in environment using "section:sub:name" format.

The "dir" argument is optional, its define the directory where environment files will be loaded, recursively, from BaseDir to dir. If its empty default to the current directory.

If the key is not exist it will return an empty string.

For example, to get the value of "name" under section "host", run

$ awwan env-get host::name

Command env-set

The env-set command set the value of environment file. Syntax,

<key> <value> [env-file]

The "key" argument define the key to be set using "section:sub:name" format. The "value" argument define the value of the key.

The "file" argument is optional, its define path to environment file. If its empty it will be set to "awwan.env" in the current directory.

For example, to set the value for "name" under section "host" to "myhost" in file "awwan.env" run

$ awwan env-set host::name myhost
$ cat awwan.env
name = myhost

To set the value for key "pass" under section "user" subsection "database" to value "s3cret" in file ".awwan.env" run

$ awwan env-set user:database:pass s3cret .awwan.env
$ cat .awwan.env
[user "database"]
pass = s3cret

Command "local" and "play"

The "local" command execute the script in local environment, your host machine, using shell. The "play" command execute the script in remote environment using SSH.

The "local" and "play" command has the same arguments,

<script> <start> ["-" <end>] *(start ["-" <end>])

The "<script>" argument is the path to the awwan script file.

The "<start>" argument is line start number. Its define the line number in the script where awwan start execution.

The "<end>" argument define the line number in the script where awwan stop executing the script, or "-" empty to set to the last line. If not defined then its equal to the line start, which means awwan execute only single line.

Here is some examples of how to execute script,

Execute line 5, 7, and 10 until 15 of "script.aww" in local system,

$ awwan local myserver/script.aww 5,7,10-15

Execute line 6 and line 12 until the end of line of "script.aww" in remote server known as "myserver",

$ awwan play myserver/script.aww 6,12-

Command serve

The "serve" command run the web-user interface (WUI) using "<workspace>" directory as base directory. A "<workspace>" is the awwan root directory, the one that contains the ".ssh" directory.

Example of running the web-user interface using the "_example" directory in this repository as workspace,

$ awwan serve _example
--- BaseDir: /home/ms/go/src/
--- Starting HTTP server at

When executing "local" or "play" command with WUI, some statement may prompt for an input, for example a password for "sudo" or passphrase for private key. We can switch back to terminal window and input the password/passphrase, but this will break the flow. In order to minimize switching back-and-forth, or when awwan run without stdin (for example under systemd service), we can set environment variable SUDO_ASKPASS for sudo or SSH_ASKPASS for ssh.

The following example use "/usr/lib/ssh/x11-ssh-askpass" for both environments before running "awwan serve" to handle password/passphrase prompt interactively,

$ export SUDO_ASKPASS=/usr/lib/ssh/x11-ssh-askpass
$ export SSH_ASKPASS=/usr/lib/ssh/x11-ssh-askpass
$ awwan serve _example


The awwan script is similar to shell script. Each line started with '#' is a comment, except for special, magic words. Each statement, either in local or remote, is executed using "sh -c".

There are six magic words recognized the script: "#require:", "#get:", "#get!", "#put:", "#put!", and "#local:".

Magic word "#require"

Magic word "#require:" ensure that the statement after it always executed even if its skipped by line-start number argument. For example, given following script (with line number),

1: #require: echo a
2: echo b
3: #require: echo c
4: echo d

Executing "awwan local script.aww 2", always execute "#require:" at line number 1 "echo a", so the output would be


Executing "awwan local script.aww 4", always execute "#require:" line number 1 and 3, so the output would be


Magic word "#get"

The magic word "#get" copy file from remote server to your local file system.


  GET = "#get" (":"/"!") [OWNER] ["+" PERM] SP REMOTE_PATH SP LOCAL_PATH

OWNER = [ USER ] [ ":" GROUP ]

 PERM = 4*OCTAL ; Four digits octal number.

OCTAL = "0" ... "7"

   SP = " " / "\t"  ; Space characters.

For example,

#get: /etc/os-release os-release

Magic word "#get!" copy file from remote server, that can be accessed only by using sudo, to your local file. For example,

#get! /etc/nginx/ssl/my.crt server.crt

The owner and/or permission of destination file (in local environment) can be set by using inline options. For example,

#get!root:bin+0600 remote/src local/dst

Will copy file from "remote/src" into "local/dst" and set the "local/dst" owner to user "root" and group "bin" with permission "0600" or "-rw-------". Basically, if executed using "local" it would similar to sequence of following shell commands,

$ sudo cp remote/src local/dst
$ sudo chmod 0600 local/dst
$ sudo chown root:bin local/dst

Magic word "#put"

The magic word "#put" copy file from your local to remote server.


  PUT = "#put" (":"/"!") [OWNER] ["+" PERM] SP LOCAL_PATH SP REMOTE_PATH

OWNER = [ USER ] [ ":" GROUP ]

 PERM = 4*OCTAL ; Four digits octal number.

OCTAL = "0" ... "7"

   SP = " " / "\t"  ; Space characters.

For example,

#put: /etc/locale.conf /tmp/locale.conf

Magic word "#put!" copy file from your local system to remote server using sudo. For example,

#put! /etc/locale.conf /etc/locale.conf

The "#put" command can read and copy encrypted file, for example

#put: local/secret remote/secret ## or ...
#put! local/secret remote/secret

First, "#put!" will try to read a file named "secret". If its exist, it will copy the file as is, without decrypting it. If not exist, it will try to read a file named "secret.vault", if it exist it will decrypt it and copy it to remote server un-encrypted.

The owner and/or permission of destination file (in remote server) can be set by using inline options. For example,

#put!root:bin+0600 local/src remote/dst

Will copy file from "local/src" into "remote/dst" and set the "dst" owner to user "root" and group "bin" with permission "0600" or "-rw-------". Basically, if executed using "local" it would similar to sequence of following shell commands,

$ sudo cp local/src remote/dst
$ sudo chmod 0600 remote/dst
$ sudo chown root:bin remote/dst

Magic word "#local"

The magic word "#local" define the command to be executed in the local environment. This magic word works when the script is executed using "play" or "local" command.

For example, given the following script,


#local: pwd

If the current working directory in local is "/home/client" and the remote working directory is "/home/server", executing "awwan play" on the above script will result in,


If the script executed with "local" command it will result to,



Here is an example of script that install Nginx on remote Arch Linux server using configuration from your local computer,

sudo pacman -Sy --noconfirm nginx
sudo systemctl enable nginx

#put! {{.ScriptDir}}/etc/nginx/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/

sudo systemctl restart nginx
sudo systemctl status nginx


The environment file is a file named "awwan.env", or ".awwan.env.vault" for encrypted one. It contains variable and value using the form "key=value" that can be used in the script.

When executing the script, awwan read environment files on each directory from base directory until the script directory.

The environment file use the ini file format,

[section "subsection"]
key = value

We will explain how to use and get the environment variables below.


Script, or any files, can contains values from variables defined in environment files.

There are six global variables that shared to all script files,

  • .BaseDir contains the absolute path to workspace directory

  • .ScriptDir contains the relative path to script directory

  • .SSHKey contains the value of "IdentityFile" in SSH configuration

  • .SSHUser contains the value of "User" in SSH configuration

  • .SSHHost contains the value of "Host" in SSH configuration

  • .SSHPort contains the value of "Port" in SSH configuration

To get the value wrap the variable using '{{}}' for example,

#put! {{.BaseDir}}/templates/etc/hosts /etc/
#put! {{.ScriptDir}}/etc/hosts /etc/

scp -i {{.SSHKey}} src {{.SSHUser}}@{{.SSHHost}}:{{.SSHPort}}/dst

To get the value of variable in environment file, put the string ".Val" followed by section, subsection and key names, each separated by colon ":". If no subsection exists, we can leave it empty.

We can put the variable inside the script or in the file that we want to copy.

For example, given the following environment file,

user = arch

[whitelist "ip"]
alpha =
beta  =

The {{.Val "all::user"}} result to "arch" (without double quote), and {{.Val "whitelist:ip:alpha"}} result to "" (without double quote)


After we learn about the command, script, variables, and templating; we need to explain some file and directory structure that required by awwan so it can connect to the SSH server.

To be able to connect to the remote SSH server, awwan need to know the remote host name, remote user, and location of private key file. All of this are derived from ssh_config(5) file in the workspace ".ssh/config" directory and in the user’s home directory.

The remote host name is derived from directory name of the script file. It is matched with “Host” or “Match” section in the ssh_config(5) file.

For example, given the following directory structure,

+-- .ssh/
|   |
|   --- config
+-- development
    --- script.aww

If we execute the "development/script.aww", awwan search for the Host that match with "development" in workspace ".ssh/config" or in "~/.ssh/config".


The command "encrypt" support encrypting file using RSA private key with or without passphrase by putting the file under ".ssh/awwan.key". The command "decrypt" un-encrypt the file produce by "encrypt" command.

The awwan command also can read encrypted environment file with the name ".awwan.env.vault", so any secret variables can stored there and the script that contains '{{.Val "…​"}}' works as usual.

Any magic put "#put" also can copy encrypted file without any changes, as long as the source file with ".vault" extension exist.

For environment where awwan need to be operated automatically, for example in build system, awwan can read the private key’s passphrase automatically from the file ".ssh/awwan.pass".


To give the idea of how awwan works, we will show an example using the working directory $WORKDIR as our workspace directory.

Let say that we have the working remote SSH server named "myserver" at IP address "" using username "arch" on port "2222".

In the $WORKDIR, create directory ".ssh" and "config" file,

$ mkdir -p .ssh
$ cat > .ssh/config <<EOF
Host myserver
    Port 2222
    User arch
    IdentityFile .ssh/id_ed25519

Still in the $WORKDIR, create the environment file "awwan.env"

$ cat > awwan.env <<EOF
user = arch
host = myserver

[whitelist "ip"]
alpha =
beta  =

Inside the $WORKDIR we create the directory that match "Host" value in ".ssh/config" and a script file "test.aww",

$ mkdir -p myserver
$ cat > myserver/test.aww <<EOF
echo {{.Val "all::host"}}`
#put: {{.ScriptDir}}/test /tmp/
cat /tmp/test

and a plain text file "test" that read variable from environment file,

$ cat > myserver/test <<EOF
Hi {{.Val "all::user"}}!

When executed from start to end like these,

$ awwan play myserver/test.aww 1-

it will prints the following output to terminal,

>>> arch@ 1: echo myserver

test       100%    9     0.4KB/s   00:00
>>> arch@ 3: cat /tmp/test

Hi arch!

That’s it.


Beside ".ssh" directory and directory as host name, awwan did not require any other special directory but we really recommend that you use sub directory to group several nodes on several cloud services. For example, if you use cloud services with several nodes inside it, we recommend the following directory structures,


The "<cloud-service>" is the name of your remote server, it could be "AWS", "GCP", "DO", and others. The "<project-name>" is your account ID in your cloud service or your project name. The "<service-name>" is a group of several nodes, for example "development", "staging", "production". The "<node-name>" is name of your node, each node should have one single directory.

Here is an example of directory structures,

├── commons
│   │
│   ├── etc
│   │   ├── pacman.d
│   │   └── ssh
│   └── home
├── gcp
│   ├── development
│   │   └── vm
│   │       ├── www
│   │       │   └── etc
│   │       │       ├── my.cnf.d
│   │       │       ├── nginx
│   │       │       ├── php
│   │       │       │   └── php-fpm.d
│   │       │       └── systemd
│   │       │           └── system
│   │       │               └── mariadb.service.d
│   │       └── ci
│   └── production
│       └── vm
│           └── www
│               └── etc -> ../../../development/vm/www//etc

The "commons" directory contains common scripts and or templates that can be executed in any server.

The "gcp" directory is cloud service with two projects or accounts "development" and "production", and the rest are node names and templates used in that node.

What happened if two variables declared inside two environment files?

When executing the script awwan merge the variables from parent directory with variables from script directory. Any keys that are duplicate will be merged and the last one overwrite the previous one.

Let say we execute the following script,

$ awwan play aaa/bbb/script.aww

The "aaa/awwan.env" contains

name = aaa

and the "bbb/awwan.env" contains

name = bbb

Then the value of '{{.Val "my::name"}}' in "script.aww" will return "bbb".

When to use magic command "#require:" ?

The magic command "#require:" is added to prevent running local command using different project or configuration.

The use case was derived from experience with "gcloud" (Google Cloud CLI) and "kubectl" (Kubernetes CLI) commands. When you have more than one projects in GCP, you need to make sure that the command that you run is using correct configuration.

Here is the example of deploying Cloud Functions using local awwan script,

1: #require: gcloud config configurations activate {{.Val "gcloud::config"}}
4: ## Create PubSub topic.
6: gcloud pubsub topics create {{.Val "CloudFunctions:log2slack:pubsub_topic"}}
8: ## Create Logger Sink to Route the log to PubSub topic.
10: gcloud logging sinks create {{.Val "CloudFunctions:log2slack:pubsub_topic"}} \
11:{{.Val "gcloud::project"}}/topics/{{.Val "CloudFunctions:log2slack:pubsub_topic"}} \
12:    --log-filter=severity>=WARNING
14: ## Create Cloud Functions to forward log to Slack.
16: gcloud functions deploy Log2Slack \
17:    --source {{.ScriptDir}} \
18:    --entry-point Log2Slack \
19:    --runtime go113 \
20:    --trigger-topic {{.Val "CloudFunctions:log2slack:pubsub_topic"}} \
21:    --set-env-vars SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL={{.Val "slack::slack_webhook_url"}} \
22:    --ingress-settings internal-only \
23:    --max-instances=5
25: ## Test the chains by publishing a message to Topic...
27: gcloud pubsub topics \
28:    publish {{.Val "CloudFunctions:log2slack:pubsub_topic"}} \
29:    --message='Hello World!'

When executing statement at line number 6, 10, 16 or 27 we need to make sure that it always using the correct environment "gcloud::config",

$ awwan local awwan/playground/CloudFunctions/log2slack/local.deploy.aww 27
2020/06/04 01:48:38 >>> loading "<REDACTED>/awwan.env" ...
2020/06/04 01:48:38 >>> loading "<REDACTED>/awwan/dev/awwan.env" ...
2020/06/04 01:48:38 --- require 2: gcloud config configurations activate dev

Activated [dev].
2020/06/04 01:48:38 >>> local 29: gcloud pubsub topics publish logs
--message='Hello World!'

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Copyright © 2019-2023 M. Shulhan <>

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.